Investor life hacks

The legislation of developing countries, as a rule, is aimed at attracting foreign investment. However, laws and business traditions often contain their "pitfalls". We talk about life hacks that will help you swim through these stones and not run aground.

Personal experience of doing business in India and how to check an Indian company in current realities — Part 1
Personal experience of doing business in India and how to check an Indian company in current realities — Part 1

My name is Anna Rudneva, I am an expert and co-founder of an export consulting company — This article contains my experience of doing business in India, the peculiarities of the mentality and business environment, as well as what India sells and buys from Russia.

Anna Rudneva, expert and co-founder of the export consulting company
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How can a foreigner open a company in Nicaragua?
How can a foreigner open a company in Nicaragua?

Nicaragua, located in Central America, offers excellent investment opportunities. The country boasts strong economic growth, security and a strategic location. Opening a business here is quick and easy, and entry barriers are low.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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In roundabout ways: how Russian business today does business with foreign partners
In roundabout ways: how Russian business today does business with foreign partners

Russian business, in search of new ways for development abroad, has almost completely reoriented: companies today work not only with Turkey, China or the UAE, but also cooperate much more closely with the CIS countries. At the same time, relations with Western countries also continue, but now everything has become longer, more complicated and more expensive. Guests of the Fontanka round table spoke about the peculiarities of relationships with international partners in modern conditions.

Social and political media ""
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What should you think about if you decide to open your business in the UAE?
What should you think about if you decide to open your business in the UAE?

Looking from Russia, the UAE seems like a great place to spend everyday work: sunny, modern, technologically advanced, ergonomic... But do they welcome daredevils who decide to come and open their own business?

Agnia Dagart, editor of the Synergy Times portal
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"This is not a country — this is a giant company." What Russian businesses look for and find in Dubai
"This is not a country — this is a giant company." What Russian businesses look for and find in Dubai

Last year, the activity of Russian business in the United Arab Emirates increased several times. Under sanctions, Dubai has literally become a window not only to the east, but also to the west for companies working with the international market. The participants of the Fontanka round table spoke about how to properly start and develop your business there and what opportunities there are for investment.

Maria Mokeicheva
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How can a foreigner open a company in Pakistan?
How can a foreigner open a company in Pakistan?

Pakistan presents several lucrative prospects for foreign companies willing to do the work required to establish a strategic presence in the market. Business incentives and specific infrastructure support are available to international enterprises.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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Myths and facts about doing business in the United Arab Emirates
Myths and facts about doing business in the United Arab Emirates

Many entrepreneurs believe that doing business in the United Arab Emirates is easier than in other countries. Despite the excellent conditions for entrepreneurship, the reality is far from idealized ideas. Managing Partner of SKY Consulting Group Kristina Tantsyura talks about the main myths and shares the real conditions of doing business in the UAE.

Kristina Tantsyura, managing partner of SKY Consulting Group
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Investment legislation of Serbia
Investment legislation of Serbia

If you are looking for a good place to do business, Serbia is a very promising country for this purpose. With low operating costs and a strategic location in the Balkans, it is an ideal location for both entrepreneurs and investors.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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How can a foreigner open a company in Serbia
How can a foreigner open a company in Serbia

Serbia is a European country with a developed industrial sector, with excellent prospects for starting and successfully running a business. Serbia has achieved significant economic growth in recent years. The reforms carried out made it possible to reduce public debt and attract international capital. The procedure for registering a business in the country is simple and easy.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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How can a foreigner open a company in Nigeria
How can a foreigner open a company in Nigeria

Nigeria is one of the most powerful economies in Africa with a huge population and great economic potential. The country is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and enjoys exemption from customs duties. In addition, Nigerian firms can benefit from the free trade agreement of the 15 ECOWAS member countries.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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Africa — what Russian business should know before starting work on the continent
Africa — what Russian business should know before starting work on the continent

In which African country is it better to start a business, should you plan localization, where to find local partners? We'll figure it out together with the Chairman of the Russian-Egyptian Business Council, Mikhail Orlov.

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Let's go beyond three seas: how to set up and run a business in India
Let's go beyond three seas: how to set up and run a business in India

Based on the results of the first five months of 2023, Russia entered the top 3 trading partners of India for the first time. We learned about how to start and do business with this country from Dmitry Pangin, the founder of the Indian fintech service

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