Investor life hacks

The legislation of developing countries, as a rule, is aimed at attracting foreign investment. However, laws and business traditions often contain their "pitfalls". We talk about life hacks that will help you swim through these stones and not run aground.

How can a foreigner register a company or representative office in Mongolia
How can a foreigner register a company or representative office in Mongolia

It does not take much time to register a business in Mongolia. The country has a wide range of promising activities: light industry, insurance, real estate privatization, IT technologies and much more.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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What you need to know to work with franchises in Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan — analysis of a lawyer
What you need to know to work with franchises in Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan — analysis of a lawyer

What is the difference between the legislation in the field of franchising in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan? What set of rights is or is not considered a franchise in different countries? Nadezhda Grabovskaya, the lawyer of the Zavod Franchise company, the editor of the Lawyer magazine, talks about these and other nuances.

Nadezhda Grabovskaya
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How can a foreigner open a company in Iran
How can a foreigner open a company in Iran

One of the most promising and developing countries in the Middle East is Iran. Registering a company in Iran can provide a number of advantages to foreign investors.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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How can a foreigner open a company in Algeria
How can a foreigner open a company in Algeria

If you are thinking about entering the international market of the African continent, then Algeria is one of the countries where there are many advantages for starting a business.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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How can a foreigner open a business in Vietnam
How can a foreigner open a business in Vietnam

Vietnam is an attractive business destination with a growing economy, young population and low labor costs. Want to start a business in Vietnam but don't know what to prepare for? This guide will help you navigate your new market.

Elena Likhanova, senior editor at RB.RU
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Lazy workers, strict laws and difficult sales — what prejudices prevent startups from entering the Brazilian market
Lazy workers, strict laws and difficult sales — what prejudices prevent startups from entering the Brazilian market

Kirill Onopriychuk, ex-director of the Moscow office of the Chinese accelerator Techcode and the Startup Grind branch, the largest community of entrepreneurs in the world, partner of the BonoPartner agency in bringing companies to the markets of Latin America, spoke about his experience of localizing startups in Brazil.

Anastasia Udaltsova, RB.RU portal
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Business abroad expansion plan
Business abroad expansion plan

Once the domestic market has been mastered, entering foreign markets is a natural growth step for many successful companies. How do you plan to expand your business overseas to be just as successful? An effective technique is to draw up an internationalization plan.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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Simplified regime, benefits and pitfalls: what to consider for a business that plans to operate in several countries
Simplified regime, benefits and pitfalls: what to consider for a business that plans to operate in several countries

Going to foreign countries, Russian business gets acquainted with unusual tax requirements, restrictions of the banking system and the nuances of working with VAT. Anastasia Shcherbinina, founder of the outsourcing company My Business Corporation, explains what companies planning to work in other countries should pay attention to.

Anastasia Shcherbinina, founder of the outsourcing company "My Business Corporation"
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How can a foreigner open a company in Cuba
How can a foreigner open a company in Cuba

Cuba has been making great efforts in recent years to improve the investment climate and attract foreign capital to the country. To date, the jurisdiction of Cuba has become low-tax and loyal to non-residents. From this jurisdiction it is convenient to conduct international business and interact with foreign partners.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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How to open a company in India for a foreigner
How to open a company in India for a foreigner

Registration of a company in the country opens up opportunities to enter the world's largest Asian market. It is second only to China in size, and India's PPP GDP is in third place in the world. The advantages of opening a company in the country include factors such as access to cheap resources and labor, availability of zones with preferential taxation, highly qualified personnel, etc.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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How can a foreigner open a company in Egypt
How can a foreigner open a company in Egypt

Egypt has implemented a number of comprehensive measures to support foreign investment and the establishment of enterprises owned by foreigners. According to the legislation of the country, foreign citizens have the right to fully own their companies. Foreign investors are granted some benefits, but there are also a number of restrictions and requirements, such as obtaining a residence permit and registering a company with local authorities.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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Features of buying land in Turkiye by foreigners
Features of buying land in Turkiye by foreigners

A foreign investor may need a land plot for the construction of not only real estate, but also production. There are certain features of the purchase of land by foreigners in Turkiye, which should be taken into account by the investor.

Julia Taraday, REAB Consortium
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