Countries-members of the catalog

To successfully conduct business in another country, it is useful to know the basic information about it — the political and economic structure, history and culture, business traditions and the mentality of businessmen. And also to know which organizations provide assistance to foreign entrepreneurs and investors.

This section contains such information about the countries participating in our catalog.



Algiers is a country in North Africa, located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert. It is the largest and one of the most developed countries on the continent. Over the centuries, various empires and civilizations have left their mark on the territory of Algeria.



Argentina is a country in the southeast of South America. Its name comes from the Latin "Argentum" — silver, and the Greek "Argentus" — white. This South American state has become famous for its original culture, non-standard atmosphere and mixed customs of the Old and New Worlds.



Small Armenia links Europe with Asia in the Caucasus. Once upon a time, Armenia was one of the largest states in the Middle East and Transcaucasia, which competed with the Parthian kingdom and Ancient Rome. Now Armenia is a modern country with hospitable people, ancient history, a huge number of historical monuments, rich culture, delicious food, beautiful nature.



Azerbaijan is located in the eastern part of Transcaucasia on the coast of the Caspian Sea, belongs to Western Asia. Azerbaijan has turned into a state that was the first to master the powerful energy potential of the Caspian Sea and form a new economic model in the development of the region.



Bangladesh is a South Asian country famous for its Bengal tigers, Bengal cats and mangrove forests. Bangladesh is a global textile manufacturing center and one of the largest exporters of textile and clothing products in the world.



Belarus is an independent state in Eastern Europe. This is one of the most friendly and open countries for Russian tourists. Despite some similarities with Russia (language, mentality, appearance of people, etc.), there is a unique atmosphere here, a wonderful identity and its own traditions, which are revered and passed down from generation to generation. Tourists call Belarus a green and cozy country.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a continental country in southeastern Europe, in the center of the former Yugoslavia. It is a complex multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious state. The country has an interesting and eventful history, as well as a magnificent nature rich in resources.



Brazil is the largest country in South America both in terms of area and population. The state stretches from the Amazon River in the north to vineyards and huge Iguazu Falls in the south, washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the east.



Cambodia is a state in Southeast Asia, located in the south of the Indochina peninsula. In the northwest, there is a visiting card of the country — a huge archaeological park of Angkor Wat, built during the Khmer Empire and including hundreds of ancient temples. It is the largest architectural and religious structure in the world and also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.



China is a powerful state that has existed for much longer than most countries in the world. This is one of the first civilizations that has had great power and influence throughout its history. China is located in East Asia, occupying most of it, which makes it the third largest state in territory. It is a socialist state and an economic superpower.



Cuba is the largest island in the entire Caribbean. It consists of the islands of Cuba, Youthud and several other archipelagos and is located at the junction of three parts of America — North, South and Central.

DR Congo

DR Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), located in the center of the continent, is one of the largest countries in Africa. Known for its richness of nature, including wild forests, volcanoes and lakes. Due to its strategic location and resources, the DRC is attracting keen interest from international investors.



Egypt is a country in Northeast Africa and the Middle East. Egypt is an ancient country and, at the same time, a modern Arab state with an extensive tourist infrastructure and rich cultural traditions. The Egyptian civilization and its unique buildings are a treasure in the treasury of world culture. In addition to ancient history and cultural attractions, the country boasts a variety of resorts, as well as a developed economy and a favorable climate for business development.



Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa. This is the cradle of humanity and the birthplace of coffee. The country's fertile lands are home to historical treasures, and Ethiopia's culture and traditions have existed for more than 3,000 years. This is where you can feel the true spirit of Africa.



Ghana is a country in West Africa on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. Unusual and vibrant Ghana is a country of contrasts, where poor neighborhoods coexist alongside the ancient colonial architecture of palaces and castles. The ancient history of this land has revealed to the world many unique cultures and peoples.



India is one of the most vibrant, distinctive, controversial and attractive countries in the world. This is the birthplace of Hinduism, where many people come to rethink their lives, find peace and harmony. The state is located in South Asia, on the Hindustan Peninsula. India is a republican state that is an influential player on the world stage.



Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, spanning more than 5,200 km between mainland Asia and Australia. Half of all islands are inhabited. The most famous of them are Lombok, Bali, Java, Sulawesi, Timor, New Guinea - each of them is unique and inimitable, with its own traditions, beliefs and culture. It is also the world's largest Muslim country.



Iran is the territory where one of the most ancient civilizations in the world was once formed. Now its echoes and achievements have become the national treasure of this country. The state is located in Western Asia. It is the second largest country in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia. For many centuries and to this day, this country has played a key role in the East, and modern Iran is one of the most technologically advanced states in the region.



Jordan is a Middle Eastern Arab state known for its ancient monuments, nature reserves and seaside resorts. Here is the famous archaeological site — the city of Petra, known since the II century BC.



Kazakhstan is an original country that keeps pace with the times. This is a unique region rich in cultural traditions. The state is located in the very center of the mainland, occupying its European and Asian parts, which makes Kazakhstan a transcontinental country. The country's policy is pursuing a multi-vector course based on the principles of proactivity and pragmatism.



Kenya is located on the East Coast of Africa. The state occupies a strategically advantageous geographical position, being at the junction of the Great Lakes, the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean. As a gateway to the next 10 countries in the interior of the continent, the country provides ample trade and investment opportunities.



Kyrgyzstan is a state located in Central Asia. Until now, it remains a little-known country for most foreigners. However, this mountainous country has an ancient history, picturesque Tien Shan mountains, Issyk-Kul lake, mineral and thermal springs, medieval caravanserais, and even ski resorts. Kyrgyzstan is a presidential, secular, unitary republic.



Laos is a country of contrasts and untouched nature, located in the center of Southeast Asia, on the Indochina peninsula. This is the most ecologically clean area, there are still places where no European has set foot. The former name of the country is Lan Xang, which translates as "the kingdom of a million elephants." Laos is a state that inherited the colonial traditions of old Europe, retained faith in Buddhism and added asceticism to the ideology of the communists.



Madagascar is an island state in the Indian Ocean, located off the southeast coast of Africa. It is the largest state in the world, occupying one island (the fourth largest in the world).



Malaysia is an exotic country in Southeast Asia with an incredibly diverse culture. It is a harmonious combination of three ancient Asian civilizations — Malay, Chinese and Indian. It is a country of contrasts, where ultra-modern skyscrapers are adjacent to buildings from the colonial era, next to mosques you can find a Chinese pagoda or an Indian temple, and snow-white beaches give way to steep cliffs whose peaks are lost in the clouds.



The Maldives is an island state in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka. Everything here is located on small but very picturesque areas of land — atolls, and this is truly a paradise on our planet.



Mongolia is a large state in the northeast of Central Asia. The birthplace of Genghis Khan is famous for its rich cultural and historical heritage, fantastic landscapes, diverse landscapes. Mongolia is called the "Land of the Eternal Blue Sky", because the sun shines here for more than 250 days a year.



Montenegro is a small but very picturesque country located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula (South-East Europe). In most countries of the world, Montenegro is known as Montenegro, although the local population calls their country “Crna Gora”. However, the meaning of these names is the same: “Black Mountain”. This is exactly what the Lovcen Massif, overlooking the famous Bay of Kotor, was once called.



Nicaragua is the largest state in Central America by area. From the west it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, and from the east by the Atlantic.



Nigeria is located in West Africa along the Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a leading player on the African continent and a respected member of the community of nations. The capital that huge oil fields bring to the country has made it possible to build large cities and enterprises here, connected by a network of railways, and also promotes investment and business development.



The name of a relatively young state for South Asia — Pakistan — is translated from Urdu as “land of the pure”, that is, “land of Muslims”. Pakistan was at the crossroads of the trade route between India, China and Ancient Rome. The state was formed in 1947 after the partition of India, and has existed within its modern borders since 1971.



Qatar is a sovereign and independent state in the Middle East, occupying a peninsula in the Persian Gulf and has become one of the world's most important oil and gas producers.



The Russian Federation is an ancient state with a long history and rich culture. It is located in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia and is the largest country in the world by area. Russia has a developed market economy. The bowels of Russia are rich in huge mineral reserves, the most profitable of which are oil and gas, which are exported to many countries of the world.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula, a country of deserts and green oases, the cradle of Islam. Once upon a time, the most ancient Arab states arose here. It is here that the cities of Mecca and Medina, sacred to all Muslims, where the Prophet Mohammed preached, are located. Today, Saudi Arabia remains one of the most traditional Muslim countries.



Serbia is located in southeastern Europe. It was once part of Yugoslavia, but after the collapse of the country it gained independence. Serbia does not have a sea, but it has mountains, a wonderful climate, healing waters and a developed economy.

South Africa

South Africa

The Republic of South Africa is located in the southernmost part of the African continent. South Africa has gone through a thorny path from a Dutch colony and a country notorious for apartheid to one of the most developed and economically rich countries in Africa.

South Sudan

South Sudan

South Sudan is the youngest internationally recognized state in the world, having become a member of the UN in 2011. At the same time, the country has enormous potential for development and offers many business opportunities.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island at the southern tip of Hindustan, large and green, surrounded by ocean, famous for its historical and natural attractions.



Syria is a unique country in the Middle East. For thousands of years, Syria has been the cradle of great civilizations, where the legacy of the Romans, Persians, Egyptians, Turks and Babylonians is still preserved. The country also contains the ruins of ancient Palmyra, one of the richest cities of late antiquity, one of the best examples of ancient Roman architecture and recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.



Tajikistan is considered one of the most ancient states in the world. It is called the heart of Central Asia, because it is located in its very center. Tourists are attracted to this country by high mountains, beautiful nature, medieval cities, sights, as well as ancient traditions and customs that have been preserved intact in secluded corners of the country since ancient times.



Tanzania is the largest country in East Africa by area. It borders many other African countries and also has access to the Indian Ocean. Tanzania is home to world-famous national parks and reserves. In addition, it has one of the most dynamically developing economies on the continent.



Turkiye grew out of the once formidable Ottoman Empire, which deployed its possessions in the richest cultural and historical region at the junction of European and Asian civilizations. The state is located in Western Asia and partly in South-Eastern Europe. Turkiye is also one of the most popular tourist destinations. She is oriental cordial and hospitable in all respects. In addition, it is an industrial country with a dynamically developing economy.



The United Arab Emirates is a state that is located on the Arabian Peninsula and bathes in the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. The country attracts with its unusual multifaceted culture, grandeur and beauty, high standard of living, high culture of the population, unusual sights and much more.



Uganda is a country that occupies a unique location along the equator, in the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa, in the East African region. Uganda offers colorful wildlife — the most diverse on the continent! And in combination with the original culture and mild climate, this place becomes especially attractive. Some scientists believe that here, at the sources of the Nile, the birth of civilization took place and the first people of our planet appeared.



Uzbekistan is a sovereign state occupying a vast territory in the central part of Central Asia. In the past, it was the center of the vibrant Enlightenment era of the medieval East. Now the country attracts tourists with its expressive appearance. Uzbekistan is rich in mountain and steppe landscapes, architectural masterpieces and unusual cities.



This is a country on the northern coast of South America, one of the most beautiful and richest countries in the world with unique natural resources, known for the incredible beauty of its nature. There are many picturesque islands off the coast of the Caribbean Sea, including Margarita Island and the Los Roques archipelago, and in the northwestern part of the country the gigantic Andes rise, there is the largest Lake Maracaibo in Latin America and the majestic Angel Falls.



Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia, located on the coast of the South China Sea. It is a multiethnic republic whose culture has been shaped by local tribes, neighbouring countries and colonisers. As a result, it is a modern country with a developed economy that plays an important role in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and in the world at large.



Zambia is an amazing country located in southern Africa. The state has a rich history and culture. The country also offers good investment and business opportunities. Zambia is rich in mineral resources. Tourism business, mining, manufacturing and other areas are also promising.