2/7/24 REAB begins partnership with Iran

At the beginning of February 2024, at the office of the Representative Office of the Iranian Chamber of Cooperatives in Russia, a partnership agreement was signed between the REAB Consortium and this important Iranian economic organization. On the part of the ICC Representative Office, the document was signed by the director, Mr. Alireza Jafari, and on the part of REAB — Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Consortium Denis Devyatkin.

During the dialogue, both parties expressed the opinion that the partnership between ICC and REAB can create new opportunities for interaction between Iranian and Russian businesses. The Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran are increasing mutual trade turnover and other forms of economic cooperation. Part of it will be expressed in the format of the acquisition of Iranian businesses by Russian entrepreneurs and vice versa — Russian assets by Iranian business representatives. Facilitation of such international transactions, their search and preparation — one of the activities of the Russian-Eurasian Business Broker (REAB). Already, the Iranian side is ready to offer for consideration several Iranian objects for potential Russian buyers, which will soon appear in our catalog.

Reference: The Iranian Chamber of Cooperatives (ICC), as a non-governmental representative of the cooperative sector at the highest level in national and international forums, plays an important role in enhancing the contribution of the cooperative sector to production, sustainable employment and development of non-oil exports , and is also one of the main pillars in the implementation of the general policy of “resistance economy” in the country.

ICC mission and goals:

  1. Help to provide opportunities for growth and development of the country's cooperative sector in the cultural, social and economic spheres;
  2. Assistance in improving the business environment in the country;
  3. Cooperation for economic growth and development, as well as increasing social justice and reducing inequality in society;
  4. Participation and  cooperation in planning the development of the cooperative sector in order to support the middle and lower class of society and create productive employment for the population;
  5. Contribution to the implementation of the general policy of Article 44 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran;
  6. Attracting national and foreign resources and investments, as well as export development;
  7. Organizing and coordinating between cooperatives and obtaining feedback from cooperators, as well as helping to create an atmosphere of cooperation when interacting with other sectors of the economy.
REAB begins partnership with Iran