4/2/24 On March 28-29, 2024, the International Economic Forum of the CIS Countries was held in Moscow

During the forum, under the motto “From dialogue to joint projects in the CIS, EAEU, SCO,” about 20 sections and round tables were held, during which experts and representatives of specialized companies and departments of the CIS countries discussed issues of enhancing cooperation in various industries, from medicine to migration policy, logistics and opportunities for cooperation in the development of the fuel and energy complex with an emphasis on low-carbon development technologies. Exhibitions and presentations of participants were also held.

The results of the forum were summed up by Deputy Secretary General of the CIS Denis Trefilov: “At such events it is important to receive feedback on our actions and decisions that we make. Because it is not always seen from the level of international organizations as it is happening “on the ground”. It is very important for us to hear and record in a timely manner how these decisions are implemented and directly applied to market participants, enterprises, citizens, our states...

Almost all aspects and all issues that are on our agenda are today discussed in one form or another at round tables and sections. It is gratifying that the locomotive of all this is not government bodies — they are certainly present here, but our business. They define, ask us questions, we conduct a dialogue with them, listen and hear what they want to convey to us, what they lack in order to be more effective.”

The Russian-Eurasian Business Broker (REAB) contributes to the development of economic cooperation in the CIS by offering the sale and purchase of ready-made operating businesses from member states of the Commonwealth.

On March 28-29, 2024, the International Economic Forum of the CIS Countries was held in Moscow