9/6/24 New partner of REAB — Eurasian Business Association

A partnership agreement was signed between the REAB Consortium and the Eurasian Business Association in Moscow in the beginning of September 2024. On behalf of the EAAB, the document was signed by the association's president, Maxim Chistyakov, and on behalf of the REAB, by the consortium's president, Denis Devyatkin.

The Eurasian Business Association is a non-profit corporate organization that unites entrepreneurs from the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

The purpose of the EAAB is to develop and strengthen Eurasian economic integration, coordinate entrepreneurial activities, and represent and protect the common property interests of the association's members.

Its main objective is to comprehensive assistance to the association members in sustainable, inclusive economic development, increasing competitiveness and scientific and production potential, increasing the volume of investment and innovation activity.

The implementation of the set tasks is carried out through the expansion of areas of economic cooperation, improvement of the regulatory environment, development of effective interaction in the B2B and B2G format, as well as with the EAEU bodies, participation in the development and examination of draft acts of the EAEU bodies and national legislation, assistance in eliminating barriers, restrictions and exceptions in the internal market of the EAEU.

Representatives of the association take part in the work of various advisory committees and working groups under the EAEU bodies, executive and legislative authorities.

By signing the agreement, the parties agreed on cooperation and partnership in the following areas:

  • Exchange of business information
  • Participation in public events held by the Parties
  • Promoting economic development and interaction of the represented states, their business circles, development of partnership contacts, stimulation of investment activity
  • Other ways of implementing the statutory goals of the Parties

During the dialogue, both parties agreed that this partnership creates new opportunities for promoting the interests of Russian business on the Eurasian continent and in friendly economic unions on the territory of the countries participating in them.

Partnership Agreement between the REAB Consortium and the Eurasian Business Association

New partner of REAB — Eurasian Business Association