Business culture of Kazakhstan

Traditional Kazakh etiquette originates in the centuries-old oriental culture of this land. Translated from the ancient Turkic language, the word "Kazakh" means "a free and independent person."

Business culture of Kazakhstan

For centuries, Kazakhstan was the territory of nomads and pastoralists, which largely affected the national culture of communication of this people. Today, Kazakhstan, as an independent state, is developing international relations, striving for significance in the global business arena, which makes it become a more European state in matters of etiquette than an Asian one.

Introduction and greeting

Most often, Kazakhs use a rather soft handshake, sometimes using both hands, which is accompanied by a smile and eye contact. Closer friends, but of the same sex, can wrap each other in a tight hug.

The most important Kazakh tradition – "Amandas" (hello at the meeting). It contains not only wishes for good health, but also the main issue for the inhabitants of the steppe, which is harsh by nature, is about health. This Kazakh folk tradition has not changed since the Kazakhs switched to a sedentary lifestyle in the last century.

"Armysyz" — so the ancestors of the Kazakhs greeted. This is what the Kazakhs do today. Greeting "Armysyz", the person asked the other "Are you an honest person?" To which he received the answer "Barmyz", "Barmysyz" — «Yes, I am an honest man, and you?»

With the advent of Islam, a greeting appeared in Arabic — "Assalamualaikum!" (from Arabic "Peace be upon you!"), with the answer "Wagaleykumassalam!" (from Arabic. "I wish you the same!").

When meeting, the Kazakhs strictly observe the principle of the order of greeting, which originates many centuries ago, — the younger should greet the older. Moreover, this applies to both age and social status: the boy welcomes the old man, and the employee — boss.

In general, the "principle of precedence" is currently observed by the Kazakhs in almost all etiquette situations. Young people should respect the elder and be always ready to help him if necessary.


Since ancient times, hospitality has been considered one of the most important values of Kazakh society. Most often, Kazakhs invite guests to their home for tea. During tea drinking, such principles of the culture of communication of Kazakhs as benevolence and tolerance are especially strongly manifested.

Guest — a very important person in the life of any Kazakh. According to tradition, the owner had to provide the guest with the best that is in his house. To this day, it is considered a gross violation of etiquette to receive a guest without refreshments.

Today, Kazakhstan is in the process of changing the etiquette standards for guests, especially in large cities. Now, in most cases, the guest must notify about his visit in advance, and also not come empty-handed. A sign of courtesy to the hostess of the house can be a present — cookies or sweets, but not alcohol. The guest must necessarily accept the invitation to dine or dine, the refusal can be perceived as an expression of hostility and offend the host. At the end of the meal, you need to leave a small amount of food on the plate, which will indicate your satiety. Otherwise, you will be offered an additional portion again and again.

Business traditions

Participants of business meetings from Kazakhstan invariably choose clothes according to the Western style. They are not late for business negotiations, but you should not expect from them that the business meeting will end exactly by the appointed time. Kazakhs like to do business slowly, pay attention to detail to be sure of the reliability of their partners. Therefore, negotiations in Kazakhstan — it is a long process that requires patience and patience.

Over the centuries, the Kazakh people have formed a collectivist culture, so the Kazakhs are almost indifferent to fierce competition, attributing great value to cooperation, compromise, harmony, maintaining and developing relationships, personal qualities of a person and personal relationships. They know how to conduct business in a sophisticated way: they do not speak straightforwardly, but generally, using diplomatic methods of communication. Kazakhs try to avoid direct questions, they strive to carefully double-check any information. At the same time, a Kazakh may raise his voice during negotiations to defend his point of view. Such a manifestation of rigidity speaks more about the desire of the Kazakh to stand up for himself in any situation than about the manifestation of aggressiveness.

Features of the national Kazakh character are: endurance, perseverance, the ability to endure great difficulties; the ability to quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions, a sense of belonging, solidarity, a negative attitude towards conflicts. Kazakhs are also hospitable, reliable and sociable. They are quite selective in relation to others, depending on their social status, tribal affiliation and faith. For the most part, Kazakhs are conscientious, resistant to suffering people, unpretentious and unpretentious. They are characterized by respect, gentleness, compassion for the grief of others.

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