Free economic zones in Russia

Free economic zones are created for wider involvement of the country's economy in the system of international economic relations.

The main goals of creating free economic zones in Russia:

  • attracting foreign investment,
  • development of high-tech production,
  • regional development.
Free economic zones in Russia

Free economic zones

The first free economic zones began to be created in Russia in the 90s.

1. On October 24, 1990, the Supreme Soviet of Russia adopted a Decree on the creation of the first free economic zone "Nakhodka" in the USSR.  has become invalid, FEZ «Nakhodka» ceased to exist.

2. In 1991, FEZ "Yantar" was created. in the Kaliningrad region.

The activities of residents of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region are regulated by the provisions of Federal Law No. 16-FZ dated January 10, 2006 "On the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

One of the tools for business development in the Kaliningrad region is the special legal regime of the special economic zone, which is valid until 2045 throughout the region, including the adjacent water area.

GS Nanotech Microelectronics Development and Production Center at GS Technopolis

The center for the development and production of microelectronics GS Nanotech in the "Technopolis GS" (investment project of the GS Group holding in Gusev, Kaliningrad region) — the only enterprise in Russia that mass-produces its own microprocessor using the "System-in-Package" technology; for consumer electronics.

Currently, 228 residents are registered in the unified register of residents of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region, implementing investment projects with a total volume of declared investments in the first three years of implementation — 123.612 billion rubles and 32,800 staff (when reaching design capacity).

The largest number of organizations registered as SEZ residents carry out investment projects in the manufacturing industries, agriculture, and logistics projects.

One of the residents of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the Kaliningrad region is the Markisol company, created with the participation of Swedish capital. In 2018, she opened a new factory in Slavsk. The total investment in the project amounted to 60 million rubles. The company specializes in the manufacture of rolled sun protection systems. It is planned that the new factory will produce 3 million roller blinds per year.

Factories "Markisol" work in Poland, Russia, China, Estonia, USA. The largest consumers of the Swedish company's products in Russia are the networks of construction stores Leroy Merlin, Baucenter, OBI, Formula 2; and other retail chains.

Markisol's factory in Slavsk (Kaliningrad region)

The factory of the company «Markisol» in Slavsk (Kaliningrad region)

3. In 1992, a decision was made to create a free trade zone "Sheremetyevo". In accordance with the decree of the head of the administration of the Moscow Region dated July 28, 1992, the creation and further operation of the free economic zone was entrusted to the Solnechnogorsk-Sheremetyevo free economic zone development company (SHERRIZON OJSC). Open Joint Stock Company SHERRIZON was registered with an authorized capital of 49.9 million rubles, and on September 2, 1993, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation approved the prospectus for the issue of company shares in the amount of 5 billion rubles.

Free Economic Zone "Solnechnogorsk-Sheremetyevo" (JSC "SHERRIZON")

Free economic zone "Solnechnogorsk-Sheremetyevo" (JSC "SHERRIZON")

On 125 hectares of wasteland near the Sheremetyevo-1 airport, several people, led by Valery Lynnik, in the recent past, vice-head of the Solnechnogorsk district, started a completely new business — Sherrison Economic Development Zone. Starting to build a free economic zone, they thoroughly studied foreign experience and applied it based on Russian conditions.

All the requirements that the world community imposes on the location of economic development zones have been met. Good infrastructure and proximity to transport routes.

Highways — next:

  • Sheremetyevo Airport,
  • Leningradskoe and Dmitrovskoe highways,
  • Just 10 kilometers away is the river port and the Moscow Canal.

The company built roads, bridges, water intakes with an iron removal and water treatment station, gas pipelines with gas distribution stations on its territory, and carried out fiber optic communications.

Now OAO "Sherrizon" — full member of the international association of free economic zones WEPZA. Three dozen companies successfully operate here, including the production complex "Pepsi-Cola", a complex of modern warehouses with a hotel of the company "Freightservice", the company "Terminal-Europe", engaged in customs and brokerage operations, "Sheppizon-Kapro", which carries out intermodal operations with cargoes, trade and industrial logistics complex "Sherland", the leader of Russian transportation "Revival-Express".

In the short term — completion of the NPO Aviablok project for the manufacture and assembly of equipment for the interiors of aircraft cabins, the construction of an assembly and wholesale center for computer equipment (the R. and K. company), the creation of a Russian-Turkish trading house, a packaging plant of the Alkan packaging company " and some other projects.

Now it is a territory of 140 hectares, where export-oriented production, a free customs zone and the necessary social infrastructure are being intensively created: a business center and a hotel complex, banking and insurance institutions, exhibition halls and shops, offices, etc.

Sherrizon-Nord logistics complex

Logistics complex «Sherrison-Nord»

In June 2017, an area of 8,500 m² in "Sherrison-Nord" rented by Imperial Duty Free — the largest operator of the duty-free market in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. The company's shareholders are Sheremetyevo International Airport — the largest airport in Russia in terms of passenger traffic, and the German company Gebr.Heinemann — leading distributor in the global duty-free market.

Several large — Huawei (China), Filuet Group (an international company headquartered in Limassol Cyprus) and Gazprombank — rented warehouse and office space in the Class A industrial park "Sherrison-Nord"; near Sheremetyevo airport. According to the results of transactions, the total area of the leased premises amounted to 17,000 m², of which 5,700 m² occupied by an international company in the field of contract logistics services Filuet Group, 5,100 m² — one of the largest Russian financial institutions — Gazprombank and 6,200 m² — the world's leading supplier of telecommunications equipment Huawei.

During its existence, Sherrizon has attracted more than 300 million dollars of foreign and Russian investments to the Moscow Region, and 2,500 new jobs have been created on its territory.

The budget of the Solnechnogorsk district, on average, is formed by 18% from deductions from enterprises located in Sherrizon. 27% of pensioners in the district receive pensions from social taxes. The company patronizes the hospital for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the regional hospital, and is constantly engaged in the improvement of the villages of the Iskra Village Council.

4. The Special Economic Zone in the Magadan Region has been successfully functioning in accordance with the Federal Law of May 31, 1999 No. 104-FZ for 20 years.

Special economic zone in the Magadan region — the territory located within the administrative boundaries of the city of Magadan, where a special legal regime of economic activity is established and the customs procedure of a free customs zone is applied (›osobaya ekonomicheskaya zona v magadanskoy obl).

On December 23, 2014, Federal Law No. 423-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Special Economic Zone in the Magadan Region" came into force, which provides for the extension of the validity of the Special Economic Zone in the Magadan Region until 2025

As of January 1, 2018, there were 132 participants in the register of participants in the Special Economic Zone of the Magadan Region, of which: 89 legal entities, 43 individual entrepreneurs. The largest number of SEZ participants is still concentrated in trade — 62 entities, or 47% of the total number of SEZ participants. 23% of SEZ participants are concentrated in industry, in construction — 11%, in transport — 7%, in the service sector, agriculture and other types of — 3%. According to the head of the administration of the SEZ, the regime of the Special Economic Zone is still one of the mechanisms for improving the investment climate in the region.



The preferential tax regime allows SEZ participants not to pay federal shares of taxes on corporate profits (3%) and on mining (40%). Enterprises were able to halve the income tax base by the amount of losses. The free customs zone made it possible to import, place and use foreign goods in the territory of the SEZ without paying customs duties. Residents' investments in infrastructure and social projects, production development became a prerequisite for obtaining these benefits.

Revenues of the off-budget fund for socio-economic development of the Magadan region in the conditions of the Special Economic Zone have increased 15 times over 5 years: from 97.1 million rubles. in 2015 to 1.5 billion rubles. in 2020 During the years of operation of the SEZ in Kolyma, the gross regional product and the volume of industrial production increased 14 times, investments in fixed capital increased 17 times. Residents of the zone account for 63% of industrial output in the region.

2019 was a record year for the Special Economic Zone: the income of the off-budget fund reached almost 2 billion rubles. This made it possible to start construction of the Presidential sports and recreation complex. and a residential complex in the Nagaevo microdistrict, to reconstruct Magadan Kindergarten No. 5 and the Kvantorium Children's Technopark, to purchase high-tech equipment for Kolyma hospitals, to put in order the municipal housing stock in seven urban districts for the resettlement of Kolyma residents from dilapidated and emergency houses.

Now for the Magadan region, the fund of the Special Economic Zone is the main tool for the implementation of national projects. The strengthening of the main economic spheres for the region, the positions of large enterprises that ensure the implementation of the strategy for the socio-economic development of the territory are associated with special economic and customs regulation.

Special Economic Zone in the Magadan Region

Special economic zone in the Magadan region

In the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, the status of FEZ began to operate on January 1, 2015 (for a period of 25 years with a possible extension) and provides for some features of taxation in Crimea and Sevastopol, features of state control, entry , the functioning of the free economic zone.

Special Economic Zones

Since 2005, Russia began to create Special Economic Zones (SEZ) — one of the largest projects to attract direct investment in priority economic activities.

The activities of the SEZ in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Federal Law of July 22, 2005 No. 116-FZ "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation". The decision to create a SEZ is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of an application prepared by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. SEZs are created for 49 years.

According to the SEZ Law, a SEZ resident is not entitled to have branches and representative offices outside the SEZ territory.

SEZ — part of the territory of the region, which has a preferential regime for entrepreneurial activity, and the procedure of a free customs zone can also be applied.

SEZs are created for the development of manufacturing and high-tech sectors of the economy, tourism, health resorts, port and transport infrastructure, development and commercialization of technologies, as well as for the production of new types of products.

All SEZ sites are provided with a completely new and modern infrastructure.

SEZs offer businesses a number of competitive advantages for the implementation of projects, including localization of production in Russia and entry into the Eurasian market, including:

  • Minimal administrative barriers.
  • Tax incentives and customs preferences.
  • Reduced prices for renting and buying land.
  • Assistance in the implementation of an investment project at the first stage of its development, as well as its further support from the SEZ management companies.

The development of special economic zones in Russia is carried out by a specially created management company — JSC "Special Economic Zones", the sole shareholder of which is the state.

There is a special regime for doing business on the territory of the SEZ:

  • Investors receive the infrastructure created at the expense of the state budget for business development, which allows them to reduce the costs of creating new production.
  • Thanks to the free customs zone regime, residents receive significant customs benefits.
  • A number of tax preferences are provided.
  • Single window administration system makes it easier to interact with government regulators.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, SEZs of 4 types can be created:

  1. Industrial production type SEZ (IPT SEZ)
  2. Technical-innovative SEZ (SEZ TVT)
  3. Tourist-recreational SEZ (TRT SEZ)
  4. Port SEZ (PSEZ)

There are 50 SEZs in Russia (31 industrial-production, 7 technology-innovative, 10 tourist-recreational and 2 port), according to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as of January 1, 2023.

Industrial production type SEZ

IPT SEZs are created for the production and processing of goods, as well as for their sale in areas of no more than 40 km². These SEZs do not allow placement of housing facilities.

In the IP SEZ, by decision of the expert council, technical and innovative activities are allowed.

IPT SEZs are located in the most economically developed regions. They are characterized by the predominance of industrial enterprises, as well as the presence of an extensive transport infrastructure, rich natural resources and a skilled workforce.

Only a commercial organization, with the exception of a unitary enterprise, can be a resident of the IP SEZ. At the same time, investors who are not residents of the SEZ can carry out entrepreneurial activities on the territory of the SEZ. In addition, if an economic entity loses the status of a SEZ resident, it is allowed to operate in the SEZ on a general basis.

A resident of the IP SEZ, in accordance with the agreement on the implementation of activities, is obliged to make capital investments in the amount of at least 120 million rubles, of which at least 40 million rubles must be invested within 3 years from the date of conclusion of the agreement.

Special economic zones of industrial production type (SEZ, region, creation date):

1. IP SEZ "Alabuga", Yelabuga region, Republic of Tatarstan, December 21, 2005 (high-tech chemical production, production of household appliances, buses and automotive components). State investments are about 1.6 billion rubles. (49% from FB).

SEZ "Alabuga" has been operating since 2006 and is the largest special economic zone of industrial production type in Russia — it accounts for about 72% of revenue in the structure of economic zones of the GCA. Among the residents are such leading international companies as Sollers Ford, 3M, Rockwool, Armstrong, Hayat and others.

IP SEZ «Alabuga», Yelabuga District, Republic of Tatarstan

IP SEZ "Alabuga", Yelabuga district, Republic of Tatarstan

2. IPT SEZ "Lipetsk", Gryazinsky district, Lipetsk region, December 21, 2005 (production of household appliances and component goods). State investments 1.8 billion rubles. (42% from FB).

In the special economic zone of federal significance "Lipetsk" 62 companies from 16 countries of the world are registered. The volume of declared investments is almost 200 billion rubles, 4,300 jobs have been created. 23 resident enterprises have been put into operation and carry out industrial and production activities. Seven plants are under construction. Three enterprises were put into operation during 2019, one of them is located on the Yelets site of the Lipetsk IP SEZ.

IPT SEZ "Lipetsk"

IPT SEZ "Lipetsk"

3. IPT SEZ "Togliatti", Samara region, August 12, 2010.

Industrial SEZ "Tolyatti"

IPT SEZ "Togliatti"

4. IPT SEZ "Titanium Valley", Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region, December 2010.

5. Industrial SEZ "Moglino", Pskov district, Pskov region, July 19, 2012 (The basis of the industrial park is a chemical plant for the production of PET plastic, owned by the Titan company.

IP SEZ Moglino, Pskov district, Pskov region

IP SEZ "Moglino", Pskov district, Pskov region

6. IP SEZ "Kaluga", Lyudinovo, Borovsky district, Kaluga region, December 12, 2012.

7. IPT SEZ "Stupino Quadrat", Stupino district, Moscow region, August 2015

8. IP SEZ "Lotos", Narimanov district, Astrakhan region, November 18, 2014

SEZ "Lotos" located in the Astrakhan region, bordering the countries of the Caspian basin, 40 km from the city of Astrakhan, at the intersection of the International transit transport corridor "North-South"; and northern part of the Great Silk Road. It was created to accommodate industrial facilities related to shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, as well as other high-tech industries.

Administrative building of SEZ "Lotos" in the Astrakhan region

Administrative building of SEZ "Lotos" in the Astrakhan region

9. IP SEZ "Uzlovaya", Uzlovsky district, Tula region, April 14, 2016.

10. IPT SEZ "Center", Novousmansky district, Voronezh region, January 2019

11. IPT SEZ "Orel", Mtsensk district, Oryol region, September 24, 2019

12. IP SEZ "Kashira", Kashira, Moscow Region, November 7, 2019

13. Grozny IP SEZ, Grozny, Chechen Republic, December 2019

14. IPT SEZ "Kulibin", Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, May 22, 2020

15. IP SEZ "Alga", Ishimbaysky, Sterlitamaksky districts, Republic of Bashkortostan, May 27, 2020

16. IPT SEZ "Dobrograd-1", Dobrograd, Kovrovskiy district, Vladimir region, October 31, 2020.

In the future, it is planned that the village of Dobrograd will receive the status of a city.

SEZ "Dobrograd-1" is already successfully operating, furniture and textile products are being produced, as well as parts for the engineering industry. Anchor Resident — Ascona Group of Companies.

In July 2021, the SEZ "Dobrograd-1" became a member of the World Free Zones Organization.

IPT SEZ "Dobrograd-1", Kovrovskiy district, Vladimir region.

IPT SEZ "Dobrograd-1", Kovrovskiy district, Vladimir region.

In July 2022, the new residents of the SEZ were:

  1. LLC "Safe Technologies Industrial Group" will launch a machine-building enterprise for the production of equipment complexes for the gas, energy and nuclear industries. The amount of investments will be 700 million rubles. The opening of the enterprise is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2023.
  2. "Dobrograd Agro" will open a high-tech year-round agricultural complex for the production of food and vegetable crops. The main task of the greenhouse complex — provide people with fresh, tasty, healthy and safe products. Investment amount: 227 million rubles. The opening of the enterprise is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2023.

As of July 26, 2022, 7 residents were registered, the total investment is 4.2 billion rubles.

17. IPT "Maximikha" SEZ, Lonikha village, Domodedovo city district, Moscow region, October 27, 2020.

Transport accessibility and convenient logistics:

  • Motorways M-4, Kashirskoye shosse, A-112 pass nearby, convenient exits to the Moscow Ring Road, Central Ring Road, M-2, M-6.
  • The territory of the SEZ borders on the section of the Big Ring of the Moscow Railway (the junction of the railway infrastructure of the Maksimikha SEZ through the Usady-Okruzhnye railway station).
  • Paveletsky direction railway passes near the territory of the SEZ.
  • Domodedovo, one of the largest international airports, is located 35 km from the SEZ.
  • Maximikha is planned to accommodate enterprises of the light, construction and food industries, agriculture and a logistics zone (trading and warehouse complex), as well as services and utility infrastructure.

Industrial and food cluster "Maximikha" — the largest transport and storage complex of food products in the Moscow region. The total area is 120 hectares.

In 2021, Maksimikha Promkhladokompleks LLC (a logistics operator for the provision of warehousing services for fresh and frozen food products) and MMC Usady LLC; were the first to receive the status of residents of the Maksimikha SEZ.

Multimodal Usady Center (MMC Usady LLC) is a modern terminal and logistics complex for transshipment and handling of: containers, general cargo, piggybackers, a wide range of other cargoes and the provision of a full list of forwarding services.

  • Area 121 ha.
  • The capacity of the container terminal is 500 thousand TUE.
  • Cargo turnover is 8.2 million tons/year.

SEZ "Maximikha", Domodedovo city district, Moscow region

SEZ "Maximikha", Domodedovo city district, Moscow region

18. IPT SEZ Avangard, Omsk, December 29, 2020. The territory of the SEZ is located in the northwestern industrial hub of the city and consists of two sites with a total area of — 494 ha (477 ha and 17 ha).

The favorable location of the SEZ at the intersection of transport routes gives an advantage for residents to export products to the markets of Kazakhstan, the Central Asian region and China.

19. IPT SEZ "Krasnoyarsk Technological Valley", Krasnoyarsk, December 29, 2020 (production of high value-added products from aluminum and aluminum alloys).

It is located on 6 specially designated areas, which are located in close proximity to the Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant (KraMZ) and the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant. This expands the opportunities for cooperation between future SEZ residents and existing enterprises, reducing logistics and other costs.

On the territory with a total area of 247.4 hectares, there are necessary engineering infrastructure facilities that can be used by potential residents in order to implement investment projects.

20. IPT SEZ "Novgorodskaya", Savinskoye rural settlement, Novgorodsky district, Novgorod region, July 8, 2021.

Square — 184.5 ha (SEZ "Alabuga" is 4 times smaller).

Joint project of the administration of the Novgorod region. and the Management Company of the SEZ "Alabuga".

Company "Prefabrika AG" plans to invest over 3 billion rubles for the construction of a high-tech plant for the production of house kits on the territory of the special economic zone "Novgorodskaya".

The construction of the production building, storage and administrative premises is planned on a plot of 10 hectares. The innovative automated plant will produce house kits using industrial technology, which will reduce the cost and construction time, as well as ensure consistently high product quality. When production reaches full capacity, it is planned to produce 225 thousand square meters. m of panels per year.

21. IPT SEZ Orenburg region, Orenburg, Orsk, Orenburg region, September 2021.

The Special Economic Zone will be located on two sites: in Orenburg — 380 hectares and in the city of Orsk — 180 ha. It is planned to create a modern industrial infrastructure.

22. Ivanovo IP SEZ, Ivanovo (53.1 ha) and Rodniki, Rodnikovsky district (99.7 ha), Ivanovo region, July 2021

One of the residents of the zone is the largest in Russia complex for the production of knitted fabrics "Unteks Rodniki"; started working in 2022.

23. IPT SEZ «Stabna», Stabna village, Smolensky district, Smolensk region, September 27, 2021.

Competitive advantage of the Smolensk region — her geographical position. The region is crossed by the shortest road and rail route from Moscow to Europe, which transports more than 75% of Russian imports from EU countries.

After a section of the Meridian highway passes through the Smolensk region as part of the national infrastructure development project, (Shanghai — Hamburg), the role of the region as a bridge between West and East will increase many times over.

SEZ "Stabna" has a convenient geographical location:

  • in the immediate vicinity of the M-1 highway;
  • 80 km from the border with the Republic of Belarus;
  • 15 km from the regional center of Smolensk

Due to the creation of infrastructure, it is possible to develop the adjacent territory with an area of about 300 hectares. The volume of investments in the creation of industries in the SEZ is projected to exceed 10.5 billion rubles by 2030.

The investor and developer of the SEZ is a specially created company — Alpha Trans Alliance LLC.

The SEZ is connected on the basis of the transport and logistics production complex (TLPC) "Stabna". Now it is a complex with an area of 20 hectares and includes: an excise terminal, a general competence terminal, veterinary and phytosanitary control units, pharmaceutical, refrigeration and customs warehouses, an electronic declaration center.

This is one of the largest car terminals in Russia. Almost any product can be stored in warehouses and open areas, from machinery and equipment to medicines, alcoholic beverages and other excisable goods.

Companies producing products for export or from imported components for sale in Russia can become residents of the Stabna SEZ.

The administration of the Smolensk region has pledged to invest at least 200 million rubles in the construction of engineering, transport, social and other infrastructure of the SEZ "Stabna" by 2024 at the expense of the regional budget.

Transport and logistics production complex "Stabna" in the Smolensk region.

Transport and logistics production complex "Stabna" in the Smolensk region.

24. IPT SEZ "Third Pole", Zheleznogorsk city district (245 ha), Kursk region, February 26, 2022

Conditions will be created here for the implementation of investment projects in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry and other areas. In particular, it is planned to build plants for the production of hot briquetted iron, rubber products and innovative railway equipment on the territory of the SEZ.
The projected volume of private investment in new production by 2031 — about 40 billion rubles, the number of jobs created — about 600.

Agreement with the first resident — Zheleznogorsk plant RTI was signed in December 2022, the organization was registered as a SEZ resident and included in the register. It is planned to build a plant for the production of rubber compounds of various properties and crumb rubber obtained from the processing of used car tires

The Metalloinvest mining and metallurgical holding, which will build a complex for deep processing of iron ore raw materials in Zheleznogorsk, and the Vagonmash group of companies, which plans to produce draft gears and slippers for railway equipment, which have no analogues on the Russian market, are also preparing to be accredited.

25. IP SEZ "Ust-Luga", Ust-Luga settlement, Kingiseppsky district, Leningrad region. May 25, 2022

It is planned to build one of the world's largest gas processing facilities on its territory:

  • liquefied natural gas plant;
  • gas chemical complex, where various polymers will be made.

The total investment in these projects will amount to 2.2 trillion rubles. The new production facilities will provide employment for 5,600 people, and will also significantly increase the volume of gas processing and polyethylene production in Russia.

The location of the special economic zone was not chosen by chance:

  • Ust-Luga — the largest and deepest port in the Baltic Sea, which can accommodate large-capacity vessels,
  • The presence of a relatively developed transport and logistics infrastructure.
  • The Leningrad region has a developed energy infrastructure.

Port of Ust-Luga Kingiseppsky district, Leningrad region

Port of Ust-Luga, Kingiseppsky district, Leningrad region

26. IP SEZ Perm, Perm (235 ha), July 16, 2022

SEZ "Perm" is located in the industrial hub "Osentsy", where a number of large enterprises are located.

Here, resident companies will implement projects in the field of petrochemistry, mechanical engineering, metalworking, information technology and other areas.

In the new special economic zone, it is planned to launch the production of flexible polyethylene pipes for the petrochemical industry and the construction of river vessels for freight and passenger transportation. In addition, a data processing center and a logistics complex will operate as part of the zone. Projected volume of investments — more than 10 billion rubles.

The total investment of the first 5 potential residents based on the results of the implementation of their projects will be about 58.7 billion rubles. Thanks to the implementation of these projects, about 2.5 thousand jobs will appear in the Perm Territory:

  1. JSC "UEC-Perm Motors", which is engaged in the production of aircraft gas turbine engines for civil and transport aircraft. Plans to build a production complex for serial production of aircraft engines PD-8, PD-14, PS-90A. The total area of the land plot for the construction of a new building on the territory of the IP SEZ "Perm" will be 32.7 hectares. The company also plans to create 2,036 new jobs, and to implement its project, the company is ready to invest 55.4 billion rubles as an investment.
  2. Perm Shipyard LLC, the only shipbuilding enterprise in the Urals, presented its project for the modernization of production facilities for the production of river and sea vessels, metal structures, stopping and mooring complexes. It is planned to start construction of river vessels for cargo and passenger transportation. By 2030, the enterprise plans to create 185 new jobs in the territory of the Special Economic Zone. The total amount of investments that LLC "Perm Shipyard" is ready to provide is about 2.5 billion rubles.
  3. LLC "Osentsovsky steel-rolling plant" specializes in the manufacture of iron, steel and ferroalloys. Plans to create a new metallurgical plant for the production of fittings for companies in the construction industry in the Kama region and other regions of Russia. The area of the land plot of the enterprise will be 8.8 hectares, and the number of new jobs — 60. For its project, LLC "Osentsovsky Steel Rolling Plant" ready to contribute 460 million rubles
  4. Forplast LLC, engaged in the production of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, presented a project for the creation of a production of polyethylene waxes, as well as micronized and oxidized waxes and wax emulsions, on the territory of the SEZ. These products are used in road construction, paint and varnish industry, polymer and rubber industries. "Forplast" develops its activities in the regions of Russia, CIS countries, Southeast Asia and the Persian Gulf. The total area of the land plot of the enterprise will be 2 hectares. The company is going to create 150 new jobs. As an investment, the company plans to invest 224.5 million rubles.
  5. Company for the production of plastic products LLC «STELLA PERM— The Plastic Products Plant, a subsidiary of Stella Group LLC, plans to build a new production facility for environmentally friendly products made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for interior decoration: wall and ceiling panels, lining, profiles, corners, skirting boards, etc. For this, LLC ;STELLA PERM — Plant of Plastic Products» is ready to provide 196 million rubles as an investment. The area of land for production will be 2 hectares. The company plans to create 135 new jobs in the SEZ.

27. IPT SEZ "Kuzbass", Kemerovo and Topki (Topkinsky municipal district), Kemerovo region, October 29, 2022

The special economic zone was created for 49 years, the total area — 628.8 ha. It is located in the northern part of the Kuzbass agglomeration:

  • The transport, logistics and energy infrastructure is adequately provided here.
  • It is located in close proximity to the key railway junction that connects Kuzbass with the European and Far Eastern regions of Russia, the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

Written confirmations have been received from 5 potential residents of the Kuzbass SEZ; on intentions to implement six investment projects on its territory.

The total volume of investments planned for three years — RUB 43.37 billion Investments of the regional budget in the development of the infrastructure of the zone — RUB 3.03 billion Funds from the federal and local budgets are not expected to be attracted for the creation and development of the infrastructure of the zone.

In the west of the city of Topki, all the necessary infrastructure will be built from scratch to accommodate production facilities with universal specialization.

To do this, in 2023, Kuzbass will receive an infrastructure budget loan in the amount of 1.2 billion rubles. The region's application has already been approved by the Government Commission for Regional Development. Currently, work is underway on the design of objects.

Four investment projects are planned to be implemented in the Topkinsky municipal district:

  1. An enterprise for processing amaranth grain worth 11.2 billion rubles (NPH "AmaranthAgro" LLC). Amaranth grains are rich in nutrients and can be used to prevent cancer.
  2. Construction of a lime plant worth 4.3 billion rubles (JSC "HK" Siberian Cement ").
  3. OOO "Allfin" — construction of a plant for metal structures, medical furniture and equipment.
  4. Topkinskoye LLC "Commonwealth" — cheese production.

The site of the future SEZ in Kemerovo has already been provided with the necessary infrastructure for new investment projects in the chemical industry.

It is planned to expand the production of mineral fertilizers here. Two investment projects will be created, the largest of them — production of ammonia and granulated carbamide worth 76 billion rubles (OOO Azot-2).

In total, in 2023-2032, potential residents of the zone are planning to invest 92.8 billion rubles in their projects in the SEZ. It is planned to create 1.2 thousand new jobs, the expected revenue for 10 years — RUB 746.3 billion

28. IPT SEZ «Khimprom», Volgograd city-hero urban district, Volgograd region, November 3, 2022

The territory of the former enterprise "Khimprom" will receive a rebirth, thanks to the measures taken by the leadership of the region.

Administration of the Volgograd region. plans to invest until 2024 in the construction of engineering, transport. social and other infrastructure of the SEZ at least 1.82 billion rubles from the regional budget.

On the territory of the SEZ "Khimprom" it is planned to create more than 800 jobs and implement projects for the construction of a plant for the production of methanol, as well as organize the production of: bioproteins, plant protection products and acetic acid.

29. IPT SEZ «Novocheboksarsk», Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic, November 3, 2022.

In the industrial-production SEZ "Novocheboksarsk" enterprises of the chemical, woodworking, food and other industries will operate.

Five companies that will become residents of the new special economic zone intend to attract about 13 billion rubles of investment and create 1,086 jobs.

Currently, 5 residents have been declared:

  1. LLC "Group Orgsintez" plans to launch the 2nd stage of the production of calcium hypochlorite at the site of PJSC "Khimprom", with a capacity of 15 thousand tons per year. The cost of this investment project will be about 2.1 billion rubles. This reagent is in high demand in Russia in gold mining and chemical water treatment.
  2. Bio Planet LLC — a project to create a polylactide (PLA) production facility using innovative technology with a capacity of 10,000 tons per year. The volume of investments is estimated at 6,759 million rubles. This is the first and unique for Russia production of polylactide — bio-based, recyclable and biodegradable plastic needed for the latest generation of packaging. There is a demand for these products not only in Russia, but also on the world market. The project will be coordinated with the agro-industrial industry: lactic acid will be produced, which is in demand both in the food industry and as a biodegradable plastic.
  3. LLC "Star Nafta" plans to build a meat processing plant with a capacity of 350 thousand heads for slaughter and 34 thousand tons for deboning per year. The volume of investments — 2917 million rubles.
  4. Partwood LLC announced 1,057 million rubles of investments in the production of fibreboard (MDF).
  5. LLC "Zvenigovsky" is going to build an enterprise for the production of flour, pasta, bakery and confectionery products. The cost of the "neighbors" project is estimated at 484 million rubles.

All residents can apply for tax benefits in the amount of 2 billion rubles, as well as receiving the infrastructure necessary for projects. In Chuvashia, it is planned to introduce benefits for income tax, property tax, and transport tax. In addition, the mayor's office of Novocheboksarsk is recommended to provide land tax benefits.

The Ministry of Economic Development of Chuvashia, together with the regional investment development agency, will provide advice to investors in obtaining the status of a SEZ resident.

30. IPT "Vladimir" SEZ, Kirzhachsky and Aleksandrovsky municipal districts of the Vladimir region, December 14, 2022

The area of the SEZ "Vladimir" is 143.47 hectares.

On January 13, 2023, a quadripartite agreement was signed on the creation of the special economic zone "Vladimir" in the territories of the municipalities Kirzhachsky district and the Aleksandrovsky municipal district of the Vladimir region. between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Vladimir Region, the administration of the Kirzhachsky district and the administration of the Aleksandrovsky municipal district.

It is planned to include investment sites — JSC «Elitteks» from Alexandrovsky district, industrial technopark «Rusklimat— Excel» (Kirzhach), 22 land plots with a total area of 93 hectares in the Kirzhach district.

SEZ "Vladimir" will specialize in attracting residents specializing in the production of instruments and equipment, including climate control units, with the participation of the planned anchor resident of the TPH "Rusklimat".

The SEZ will include enterprises producing household appliances, chemical products, building materials and electronic components.

Here they will produce copper-aluminum convectors, wall panels made of composite concrete, as well as new generation semiconductors, which in some cases can replace the silicon electronic component base.

As of January 2023, 13 enterprises announced their intention to work in the SEZ. In the next 10 years, residents will invest almost 19 billion rubles in their projects and create 1,838 jobs.

The competitive advantages of the SEZ in the Vladimir region include geographical location;

  • transport accessibility of federal highways M7 "Volga" and M8 Kholmogory;
  • close distance (90 km) to one of the key markets in Russia — Moscow city;
  • accessibility of international airports of federal significance.

Production and service center of Trade and Production Holding (TPH) "Rusclimat" in Vladimir region

Production and service center of the Trade and Production Holding (TPH) "Rusklimat" in Kirzhach, Vladimir region.

31. IPT SEZ «Nyagan», Nyagan city district, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug– Yugra, December 30, 2022

The area of the new SEZ will be 273 hectares.

By prior agreement with companies in the zone, it is planned:

  • production of bioprotein for agricultural purposes;
  • manufacture of polymer pipes;
  • construction of a house-building plant;
  • furniture factory;
  • Creating a Data Center

The volume of investments in these projects will be about 25 billion rubles. The new production facilities will provide jobs for about 800 people.

Among the priority areas of industrial zones — production:

  • cars and component parts and assemblies;
  • building materials;
  • chemical and petrochemical products;
  • household appliances and commercial equipment.

As of January 17, 2023, 354 companies were residents of the GPT SEZ.

The residents of the IP SEZ have cumulatively created more than 26.7 thousand jobs, made 441.1 billion rubles of investments, generated about 1,119.9 billion rubles in revenue, paid 153.2 billion rubles of tax, customs deductions and deductions to state off-budget funds.(

Technical-innovative SEZ

SEZ TVT are formed in order to develop innovative activities for the creation and sale of scientific and technical products, bringing them to industrial use, including the manufacture, testing and implementation of pilot batches, as well as the creation of software products, systems for collecting, processing and transmitting data, systems distributed computing and the provision of services for the implementation and maintenance of such products and systems.

SEZ TBT are created in areas of no more than 4 km². These SEZs allow the application of the free economic zone procedure and do not allow the placement of housing facilities.

In the SEZ TVT, by decision of the expert council, it is also allowed to carry out industrial and production activities. SEZ TVT are located in the largest scientific and educational centers with rich scientific traditions and recognized research schools.

A resident of the SEZ TVT can be both an individual entrepreneur and a commercial organization, with the exception of a unitary enterprise. On the territory of the SEZ, investors who are not residents of the SEZ can also carry out entrepreneurial activities. In addition, if an economic entity loses the status of a SEZ resident, it is allowed to operate in the SEZ on a general basis.

Special economic zones of technology-innovative type (SEZ, region, creation date):

1. SEZ TVT "Dubna", Dubna, Moscow region, December 21, 2005 (development of alternative energy sources, design and creation of new aircraft, electronic instrumentation). State investments 2.5 billion rubles (65% from FB).

Dubna Technopolis

Technopolis "Dubna"

2. SEZ TVT "St. Petersburg", St. Petersburg, December 21, 2005 (production of analytical instruments, household electronic equipment and software). State investments 1.5 billion rubles. (50% from FB).

3. SEZ TVT "Tomsk", Tomsk, Tomsk region, December 21, 2005
(development of the latest materials, medical, electronic and information and communication technologies). State investments 1.9 billion rubles. (70% from FB).

4. SEZ TVT "Technopolis "Moscow", Moscow, December 21, 2005. Investments of the state about 5 billion rubles (50% from FB).

Consists of five sites, with a total area of 223.3 hectares:

Zelenograd administrative district (4 sites) — development and production of electronic products and their components.

  • Alabushevo site — 157.9 ha (main area for new factories and research centers).
  • The site "MIET" — 4.47 ha. Technopark of the National Research University "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology" / MIET) — Russian Technical University in the field of microelectronics, information and computer technologies.
  • NIIME and Mikron site (since September 2015) — 13.33 ha.
  • The site "Angstrem" (since April 2017) — 15.15 ha.
  • Technopolis "Moscow" in the South-Eastern Administrative District (since April 2017) — 32.44 ha — on the territory of the former automobile plant named after Lenin Komsomol (AZLK)
  • Industrial park "Rudnevo" (since 2022) in the Troitsky administrative district.

At the beginning of 2022, more than 200 high-tech companies worked in the SEZ TVT "Technopolis Moscow", 91 of them have the status of residents of the SEZ.

In 2022, the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" received the sixth production site — "Rudnevo" (Trinity administrative district). The first production buildings of the new site were put into operation. The new Moscow industrial park "Rudnevo" will be among the ten largest in the country in terms of production space.

The National Space Center under construction in the center of Moscow is planned to become another site (branch) of the technopolis.

SEZ TVT «Technopolis "Moscow", technopark "Alabushevo (Zelenograd administrative district)

SEZ TVT "Technopolis "Moscow", technopark "Alabushevo (Zelenograd administrative district)

5. SEZ TVT "Istok", Fryazino, Moscow region, December 31, 2015.

6. SEZ TVT "Innopolis", Innopolis, Verkhneuslonsky district, Republic of Tatarstan, November 1, 2012.

In a decree dated July 16, 2022, the Government expanded the territory of the SEZ "Innopolis" in Tatarstan. It was increased due to a land plot with an area of 1.38 hectares in the Sovetsky district of Kazan.

An IT center will be built here, which will house 3 resident companies developing solutions for protecting information and replacing foreign software (software). It is assumed that the total volume of additional investments as a result of the expansion of the territory of the SEZ "Innopolis" will amount to more than 5.7 billion rubles.

SEZ TVT "Innopolis", Innopolis, Verkhneuslonsky district, Republic of Tatarstan

SEZ TVT "Innopolis", Innopolis, Verkhneuslonsky district, Republic of Tatarstan

7. SEZ TVT in the Saratov region, Saratov region, May 27, 2020.

The priority areas for the development of innovation zones are:

  • nano- and biotechnologies;
  • medical technology;
  • electronics and communications;
  • information technology;
  • precision and analytical instrumentation;
  • nuclear physics;
  • Microwave technologies.

As of January 17, 2023, 516 companies were residents of the TVT SEZ.

Residents of the SEZ TVT cumulatively created 28.6 thousand jobs, made more than 348.9 billion rubles of investments, the volume of revenue amounted to 746.5 billion rubles, paid 147.9 billion rubles of tax, customs deductions and deductions to state extra-budgetary funds.

SEZ of tourist-recreational type

TRT SEZs are created for the development and provision of services in the field of tourism in one or more areas of the territory. These SEZs do not allow the use of the free customs zone procedure, but the placement of housing facilities is allowed.

In such zones, only tourist and recreational activities are allowed, namely, activities for the construction, reconstruction, operation of objects of the tourism industry, facilities intended for sanatorium treatment, medical rehabilitation and recreation of citizens, as well as tourist activities and activities for development of deposits of mineral waters and other natural medicinal resources, including activities for sanatorium treatment and disease prevention, medical rehabilitation, organization of recreation for citizens, industrial bottling of mineral waters.

TRT SEZs are located in the most picturesque and popular tourist regions of Russia and offer favorable conditions for organizing tourism, sports, recreation and other types of business.

An individual entrepreneur and a commercial organization, with the exception of a unitary enterprise, are recognized as residents of the TRT SEZ.

On the territory of the SEZ, investors who are not residents of the SEZ can also carry out entrepreneurial activities. In addition, if an economic entity loses the status of a SEZ resident, it is allowed to operate in the SEZ on a general basis.

SEZ Tourist and recreational type — region, creation date:

1. SEZ TRT "Baikal harbor" — Pribaikalsky district, Republic of Buryatia February 3, 2007.

2. SEZ TRT "Turquoise Katun" — Altai Territory, February 3, 2007. Area 3326 ha. It became the venue for the spring festival "Blossoming of the maral and the August music festival" Because of the Beatles ". Among the famous attractions — "Big Tavdinsky Cave", "Valley of Grottoes", "Crossroads of the Worlds" archaeological park, "Prostor" Art Gallery, sculptural compositions and art objects.

SEZ TRT "Biryuzovaya Katun" Altai Krai

SEZ TRT "Turquoise Katun" Altai Territory

3. SEZ TRT "Zavidovo" — Konakovo district, Tver region, April 20, 2015. A hotel with 239 rooms, a yacht club, a sports and entertainment complex and a golf club have been built on the banks of the Ivankovo reservoir. The air park is under construction — helipad, airfield for small aircraft and aircraft hangars

SEZ ТRТ "Zavidovo" Konakovo district, Tver region

SEZ TRT "Zavidovo" Konakovo district, Tver region

4. SEZ TRT "Gate of Baikal" — Slyudyansky district, Irkutsk region, February 3, 2007.

5. SEZ TRT "Arkhyz" — Zelenchuksky district, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, October 14, 2010. Since its commissioning in December 2013, over a million guests have visited the resort. The tourist flow in 2019 amounted to more than 370 thousand people.

6. SEZ TRT "Veduchi" — Itum-Kalinsky district, Chechen Republic, October 3, 2013. It is located in the valley of the Kharachoy-Akhk River, 1.5-2 hours drive from Grozny airport. The first facilities were put into operation on January 26, 2018, in the ski season 2019/2020, the longest all-season ski area in the world was opened at the resort.

7. SEZ TRT "Elbrus" — Elbrus region, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, October 14, 2010. The infrastructure includes 15.4 km of equipped ski slopes, 7 ski lifts, about 800 accommodation places of various levels of comfort. The tourist flow to the resort in 2019 amounted to more than 424 thousand people. In 2017 and 2018, the resort was recognized as the winner in the nomination "The Best Ski Resort in Russia" awards "Leaders of the sports industry" within the framework of the International Congress of the Winter Sports Industry, Tourism and Active Leisure.

8. SEZ TRT "Matlas" — Khunzakhsky district, Republic of Dagestan,
October 14, 2010. It is located on the high-mountainous Khunzakh plateau at an altitude of 1,800 meters above sea level, 140 kilometers from Makhachkala.

9. SEZ TRT "Armkhi and Tsori" — Dzheirakhsky and Sunzhensky districts, Republic of Ingushetia, December 29, 2011.

10. SEZ TRT "Mamison" — Alagirsky district, North Ossetia, September 26, 2019.

Construction of the all-season resort "Mamison" in the Alagirsky district of North Ossetia, 100 km from Vladikavkaz, began in 2013, later the financing of the project was suspended. The authorities of North Ossetia filed an application with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to return the status of a special economic zone (SEZ) to the resort, which it was deprived of in 2016 due to inefficient work. On September 26, 2019, a special economic zone was created on the territory of the Mamison all-season mountain and recreational complex.

Suggested amount of infrastructure: 35 ski slopes with a total length of 50 kilometers with a height difference of 1132 meters (the lower point is at an altitude of 2040 meters above sea level, the upper one is 3172). The area is 40 thousand hectares.

The creation of the Mamison resort in North Ossetia by 2025 will attract about 9.3 billion rubles of investment from residents, as well as more than 135 thousand tourists. The implementation of the project will also create more than 1.1 thousand jobs (

As of January 17, 2023, 101 companies were residents of the TRT SEZ.

Residents of the TRT SEZ have cumulatively created more than 1,000 jobs, invested 19.6 billion rubles, generated 3.9 billion rubles in revenue, paid 0.4 billion rubles in tax and customs deductions and contributions to state off-budget funds.

Port SEZs

SEPZ are created in order to create a platform for the organization of shipbuilding and ship repair activities, the provision of logistics services, as well as a base for new routes, located in close proximity to the main transport routes. Their creation is possible in areas of the territory, the total area of which is no more than 50 km². In these SEZs, the free customs zone procedure is always applied, but placement of housing facilities is not allowed.

In PSEZ, by decision of the expert council, it is allowed to carry out port activities and (or) construction, reconstruction and operation of infrastructure facilities of a seaport, river port or airport.

SEPZ are located in close proximity to the main global transit corridors. Their position allows access to the rapidly growing market of highly demanded port and logistics services.

Only a commercial organization is recognized as a PSEZ resident, with the exception of a unitary enterprise. At the same time, it is not allowed to carry out entrepreneurial activities on the territory of the SEZ for investors who are not residents of the SEZ (with the exception of activities for the construction and operation of infrastructure facilities of the SEZ and infrastructure facilities created within the boundaries of land plots provided by the SEZ management body to residents of the SEZ), as well as business entities who have lost their SEZ resident status.

In accordance with the agreement on the implementation of activities, the PSEZ resident is obliged to make the following capital investments:

  • construction of infrastructure facilities — in the amount of at least 400 million rubles;
  • reconstruction of infrastructure facilities — in the amount of at least 120 million rubles.

At the same time, within the framework of these capital investments, during the first 3 years, a SEZ resident must invest at least 40 million rubles.

There are 2 Port SEZs in Russia:

  1. SEPZ "Ulyanovsk" (airport), Ulyanovsk region
  2. POEPZ «Olya», Astrakhan region

1. SEPZ "Ulyanovsk" (airport)

As of January 1, 2020, 33 companies were PSEZ residents.

The PSEZ residents have cumulatively created 575 jobs, made 2.862 billion rubles of investments, the revenue amounted to 2.314 billion rubles, paid 0.312 billion rubles of tax, customs deductions and deductions to state non-budgetary funds.

The Ulyanovsk Special Economic Zone was established in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 N 1163 and Agreement of January 30, 2010 N 1102-OS / D25 on the territory of the municipal formation "Cherdaklinsky district" Ulyanovsk region, adjacent to the international airport "Ulyanovsk-Vostochny". The managing company is PSEZ "Ulyanovsk" JSC.

To win the competition for the creation of an airport, aviation SEZ in the Ulyanovsk region allowed:

  • The presence of an airport with excellent infrastructure. The runway of the airport "Ulyanovsk-Vostochny" is one of the longest in the world (length — 5,100 meters, width — 106 meters), thanks to which the airport accepts all types of aircraft, without restrictions on takeoff weight. The airport is also an experimental aviation aerodrome, which allows it to perform test flights of newly produced aircraft;
  • Based at the airport "Ulyanovsk-Vostochny" two largest Russian cargo airlines: Volga-Dnepr; and "Flight";
  • Presence in Ulyanovsk of appropriate conditions for aviation production, educational institutions.

A distinctive feature of the special economic zone based on the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airport is is its proximity to the enterprises of the Ulyanovsk aviation cluster. This creates the prerequisites for the development of projects related to the maintenance and re-equipment of aircraft.

The area of the first start-up complex of the SEZ is 118.98 hectares. Another 206.05 hectares have been allocated for the creation of the second launch complex. d. In total, the territory of the SEPZ can be expanded up to 640 ha. Land plots have been allocated, which will be endowed with the status of the adjacent territory of the SEZ. They will create a social infrastructure for employees of SEZ resident companies.

The priority areas for the development of the SEZ are:

  • Aircraft manufacturing and aircraft maintenance;
  • Electronics manufacturing, instrumentation;
  • Production of composite materials;
  • Manufacture of electrical equipment;
  • Other branches of engineering;
  • Distribution of goods, wholesale.

In the international classification, such zones as "Ulyanovsk" are considered zones of export production (industrial). In the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, due to the fact that the zone is located next to the international airport "Ulyanovsk-Vostochny", it received the status of a port.

The first such zone was established in 1959 near Shannon Airport (Ireland). In Russia, its analogue was the Sheremetyevo Free Trade Zone, created in 1992, which is managed by the private company OAO Sherrizon, and received the name Sherrizon.

Ulyanovsk Special Economic Zone

Ulyanovsk Special Economic Zone

2. SEZ "Olya"

The Port SEZ was established in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2020 No. 1792 in the Limansky district of the Astrakhan region on the territory of — 644 ha.

JSC "SEZ" Lotos "is determined as the management company. The project is being implemented as part of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the development of the international transport corridor "North-South" and socio-economic development of the Astrakhan region.

The anchor resident of the port area is LLC "PLC "Kaspiy". The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation issued LLC PLC Kaspiy certificate of a resident of the port SEZ in the Astrakhan region.

The company is implementing a project to create a modern port with a container terminal, worth more than 27 billion rubles. The strategic partner is Martrade Holding (Germany).

It is expected that at the first stage, the company will equip berths No. 8 and 9 of the port of Olya, and will begin to carry cargo through them by 2023. The total capacity of four terminals — more than 3 million tons. The necessary loading and unloading equipment will be installed, customs infrastructure facilities — road and rail checkpoints.

After the completion of the first stage, the company will begin construction of a modern port complex in the Zaburunny ilmen area, 7 km south of the Olya port. The total cargo turnover of the new terminals will be about 8 million tons by 2031 with the possibility of further expansion. As a result of the project implementation, at least 800 new jobs will be created. www.

Olya — seaport in the Limansky district of the Astrakhan region. The port is located in the Volga Delta, on the right bank of the Bakhtemir River (at 67 km of the Volga-Caspian Canal).

Olya port in the Astrakhan region.

Olya port in the Astrakhan region.

As of January 17, 2023, 48 companies were residents of the PSEZ. The residents of PSEZ have accumulated more than 390 units. jobs, 12.2 billion rubles of investments were made, revenue amounted to 12.1 billion rubles, 1.4 billion rubles of tax, customs deductions and deductions to state non-budgetary funds were paid.

In 2016, by decision of the Government of Russia, the Port SEZ "Murmansk" and "Sovetskaya Gavan" terminated their activities ahead of schedule due to their inefficiency.

1. Special economic zone of port type "Murmansk"

It was established in accordance with Decree No. 784 of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2010 on the territory of the Murmansk region.

The total area of the SEZ is about 20 km² (1997 ha).

The minimum investment threshold for obtaining resident status is 10 million euros.

Port SEZ PPT «Murmansk» specialized in the development of the following areas:

  • port activities;
  • logistics;
  • transshipment of goods;
  • service of oil loading processes;
  • ship maintenance;
  • repair and conversion of ships;
  • extraction and processing of bioresources.

On the territory of the SEZ "Murmansk" it was planned to build a container terminal, modernize existing and build new port facilities for the reception, transshipment and loading of bulk and liquid cargo. In addition, the assembly of drilling rigs, which is of great importance for the successful development of offshore oil and gas fields. Investors of the port SEZ "Murmansk" could receive tax and customs benefits, as well as connection to infrastructure facilities. Investors were guaranteed the invariability of tax benefits throughout the entire period of existence of the special economic zone.

In September 2016, the Russian Government prematurely terminated the activities of the port special economic zone "Murmansk" in the Murmansk region, due to its inefficiency.



2. Port special economic zone Sovetskaya Gavan

It was established in accordance with Decree No. 1185 of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The total area of the territory of the special economic zone — 290 ha.

Valid for 49 years.

Priority development areas:

  • seaport services;
  • logistics;
  • ship repair;
  • fish processing.

The main direction of development of the port and logistics zone in the Khabarovsk Territory — formation of a modern multi-profile port, ship repair center, which relies on a convenient geographical location and an existing infrastructure base (Wikipedia›).

In September 2016, the Russian Government prematurely terminated the activities of the Sovetskaya Gavan port special economic zone in the Khabarovsk Territory due to its inefficiency.

Sovetskaya Gavan Port

Sovetskaya Gavan Port

In conclusion, some results of the work of special economic zones in Russia should be noted

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, over 17 years of operation, 1019 residents have been registered in the SEZ, of which more than 130 companies with foreign capital from 42 countries. Over the years, the total volume of declared investments amounted to more than 1.78 trillion. rubles, invested — more than 822 billion rubles, more than 56.7 thousand jobs were created, about 308 billion rubles of tax payments, customs deductions and insurance premiums were paid.

There are many questions about the effectiveness of public investment in special economic zones in Russia. In September 2016, the Russian Government terminated the activities of 8 special economic zones ahead of schedule due to inefficiency. The analysis carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia showed that not a single resident was registered on the territory of the SEZ in the Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Primorsky and Krasnodar Territories, the Murmansk Region, the Republics of Adygea and North Ossetia–Alania.

When creating a free economic zone in Russia, it is necessary to take into account world experience. Not everywhere such zones function successfully. Foreign firms are interested in entering the domestic market of Russia, access to which can stimulate investment in the SEZ. Such zones can facilitate the entry of Russian companies into the world market. We must take into account the high competition from the SEZs in developing countries with their cheap labor.

Sergey Lashmanov
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