Turkish business etiquette

Russian entrepreneurs who want to buy or do business in Turkiye should remember that most of the inhabitants of this country are Muslims. In this regard, it makes sense to refresh your memory or get acquainted with the basic features of Muslim business culture.

Turkish business etiquette

There are many common features in the national character of Russians and Turks that deserve mutual respect. They are able to bring together potential business partners to a large extent. Hospitality, caring and reverent attitude towards children, a high level of interpersonal communication in the business environment are accepted both in Russia and Turkiye.

The work practices of Turkish state structures and their national characteristics are also intuitive and familiar to Russian businessmen.

The business capital of Turkiye is Istanbul. The city, until 1453 known as Constantinople, is the subject of Turkish pride, and on May 29 — the day of the capture of Constantinople — is celebrated in Turkiye as a national holiday "the day of finding the Motherland".

Business culture of Turkiye

The culture of business relations in Turkiye implies a high level of personal communication between partners. The general sequence of development of business relations can be described by the following formula: first, get to know and get to know the partner well, then carry out several trial transactions with a Russian partner, then gradually develop business relations and expand the format of cooperation.

One should not expect German clarity, unambiguity and straightforwardness from Turkish partners. It is better to initially be ready to show the necessary flexibility and restraint in negotiations.


As a rule, Turkish partners expect to hear compliments about their country, culture, at least — football team. Such compliments will be received positively, and skillful flattery will clearly indicate the high intelligence and attentiveness of the Russian partner.

Turkish businessmen will first of all try to understand what their Russian partner is like as a person and as an entrepreneur. It is very common to test competence, when Turkish partners try to get a better idea of the professionalism of their Russian interlocutor by clarifying questions about the features and characteristics of your company.

The cost of the transaction is certainly an important factor in the negotiations, but not decisive. Factors such as the good name of the company, honesty, integrity and flexibility of its representatives, their ability to show patience and respect for Turkish partners can serve as strong arguments in favor of starting cooperation.

During negotiations, Turkish partners may be briefly distracted and actively use mobile phones. This should not be treated as a demonstrative display of disrespect for Russian partners. It's just a national feature.

During a conversation, Turkish partners, as a rule, come close enough to their interlocutors. Closer than it is customary in Russia. If possible, do not step back and try to increase the distance. This can be taken as a sign of an unfriendly attitude.

As a sign of agreement with the interlocutor in Turkiye, as well as in Russia, it is customary to nod your head. Unusual for Russians is the form of expressing disagreement. Instead of turning their heads, the Turkish partners raise their eyebrows and make a clattering sound. Recently, however, Turkish partners have been trying to use symbols and gestures more familiar to Europeans.


Turkish hospitality deserves the highest praise. In most cases, Turkish partners will bear the cost of paying bills in restaurants, especially if they act as an inviting party.

Turkish partners in most cases will try to show emphatic respect for Russian businessmen. And expect the same in return.

Gifts used to be an integral part of Turkish business culture. Today, this should be given great attention if a Turkish partner invites Russians to his home. In this case, gifts are required. The most suitable gifts include attributes of Russian culture and life.

In any case, the Russian representatives should have several gifts and souvenirs ready, which will need to be handed over to the Turkish partners at the end of the negotiations.

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In no case should you allow any negative assessments of the Turkish company — negotiating partner or Turkiye as a whole.

Practitioners recommend avoiding, if possible, setting strict deadlines for Turkish partners to make decisions on transactions. A good reserve of patience is especially necessary for domestic businessmen at the initial stages of cooperation with Turkish representatives.

In Turkiye, it is considered impolite to categorically refuse a partner's business proposal. It is much more reasonable to try to explain in a mild form that the proposed proposal may lead to serious difficulties for the Russians and lead to negative results in the long term.

In general, in the course of communication, it makes sense to try to minimize emotions and choose calmer and more thorough representatives of the company as negotiators from the Russian side.

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