Egyptian business culture

At first glance, in Egypt, the way of life of people of intellectual labor is not so different from the Western image. However, there are a number of subtleties and difficulties, the main reason for which lies in the fact that Egypt is mostly a Muslim country. Therefore, no matter what pro-Western views the business partners from Egypt hold, it is worth remembering that at their core they are representatives of a conservative society that respects traditions and foundations.

Egyptian business culture

In everyday life, most Egyptians are in difficult conditions, but they do not lose heart, maintaining friendliness, calmness, optimism. It seems to many foreigners that the Egyptians, believing in the predestination of all events, are quite passive in business, but this is compensated by their sense of humor and positive attitude to life, as well as loyalty to friends and hospitality.

Features of business etiquette

Most meetings in Egypt start late: lunch can be served until 17:00, dinner can be served at 22:00. In Egypt, it is not customary to invite business partners home, as it is considered that this place is only for family and close friends. Egyptians are quite often late for meetings, as traffic jams can be completely unpredictable due to frequent traffic accidents and congestion, as well as due to road closures for the passage of dignitaries. However, the Egyptians always have a desire to be on time. They expect the same from business partners. Therefore, a warning call in case of being late would be very appropriate.

Social status plays an important role in Egyptian society, so business partners from Egypt should be addressed by name and position. For example, if a person has a doctoral degree, and his name is Mohammed, then you need to contact him Dr. Mohammed. These subtleties of communication should be taken into account, otherwise you may be considered impolite and arrogant.

It is customary to exchange business cards with each new business acquaintance. They can be in both English and Arabic.

Business dress code

Business dress code in Egypt is conservative. Men wear suits and ties for formal occasions, shirts and ties must be worn during informal gatherings, but T-shirts and jeans are not allowed. Any jewelry (except for a wedding ring), long hair in men are considered a sign of unprofessionalism. Women also have certain requirements. A strict business suit, a blouse without a neckline, a sleeve below the elbow, and a skirt below the knee. In such harsh conditions, a trouser suit may be the best option.

Elegant stationery, sweets, chocolate, digital equipment or national souvenirs from Russia can become business gifts for business partners from Egypt. Especially appreciated — author's picture or original coinage. But the gift should not be too expensive, otherwise the partner will be forced to make a gift of equal value in return. Alcohol is not appropriate as a gift, as the Egyptians profess Islam. Gifts should always be given with the right hand, or with both hands.


The hospitality of the Egyptians can be appreciated during a joint lunch or dinner. A real feast can be arranged in your honor. The Egyptians are happy to take care of their guests and continue to treat, even after the end of the meal. Repeated offers to try something else are due to the tradition of refusing any offer at least once.

Meetings and negotiations

The first meetings are always very formal, in a strict business environment. But even they start with tea or coffee, with a few minutes of small talk on topics such as culture, history, sports. Egyptians love to talk, so you should expect long negotiations, discussions of random topics. They like to impress, so they often talk a lot about themselves, about their personal achievements. Be patient, do not look at the clock, this can offend the interlocutor. Use this time to get to know your new business partner better.

Negotiations are usually held by the middle management of the company. The results of the meeting are reported to the top management, who will sign the contract. But the sale or purchase of a business as a whole should be discussed directly with the owner.

The established contact at the first meeting should be supported by phone calls and personal conversations in order to make sure that the development of the joint business is going the right way. If your partner offers you communication outside the office — in a cafe, restaurant — this indicates his trusting attitude towards you and the desire to make communication more informal.

Egyptian men still tend to believe that a woman should be more involved in home and family than in active professional activities. This is despite the fact that Egyptian law does not discriminate against women on the basis of work. However, the general course of conduct of an Egyptian in business cooperation with a woman differs significantly from cooperation with a man. The secret of respect for a woman in Egyptian culture lies in giving her protection, so an Egyptian would rather not allow a woman to get home alone than pull her a chair or let her go ahead.

Egyptians are very polite people, always willing to help. Respectful attitude towards elders in age and position is the norm. Loud speech is seen as a sign of strength, self-confidence, and eye contact — as interest and trust. Diplomacy, respectful attitude are the basis of effective communication, and directness and assertiveness are seen as aggression and rudeness.

Position is important when speaking. You can not slouch, sit cross-legged or in such a way that the sole of the shoe is visible — this will be taken as a sign of disrespect. The same applies to sitting among people with your back turned to someone. Personal space is quite small, people often sit close, physical contact is possible, but not with the opposite sex. Don't avoid this — otherwise, you may be misunderstood, believing that the person is unpleasant to you. The Egyptians like to emphasize the importance of the phrase with hand gestures. The symbol of humility and gratitude in Egypt is the hand placed on the heart. This gesture will be very appropriate if you are forced to refuse an Egyptian request.

During negotiations, it is worth remembering that the Arabic language is full of hyperbole. For example, "immediately" can mean "soon." Therefore, it is not always necessary to take words literally. In general, Arab interlocutors rarely follow certainty in answers, "yes"; and "no" they gladly substitute the words "if Allah wills." This is because the Arab understanding of etiquette forbids the Egyptians from being categorical and resorting to straightforward answers.

In addition, during negotiations, the Egyptians like to raise their demands in anticipation that they will have to be lowered. You can often see that the Egyptian lowers the price at the first sign of a client's doubt, because bargaining is always appropriate. By this he demonstrates the pliability — a quality highly valued by oriental people. However, this does not always happen. It is not in the nature of the Egyptians to make obvious compromises and one must be prepared for a possible controversy. Cordiality and courtesy at the first meeting — This is not a pretense, but a tribute to tradition. It is widely believed among the Arabs that only such behavior is worthy of a Muslim. But subsequent negotiations may go less smoothly. In general, patience is very important when dealing with Egyptians because business rarely moves quickly in Egypt. Fussiness and haste are not respected.

"Saving face" both one’s own and the interlocutor is very important in Arab culture, therefore any refusal is done as gently as possible, accompanied by reservations, praises in favor of the proposal under discussion. Egyptians consider it important to leave an opportunity for subsequent contacts after a refusal.

Trade — a very prestigious and revered occupation in the Islamic world, a kind of art, success in which is considered a sign of a deep mind. Therefore, if you demonstrate a virtuoso knowledge of the intricacies of this matter, you are guaranteed success.

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